The WeJuggle foundation was founded by Thorsten Hackl on the 2nd of September 2011. He learned the trade of juggling from his grandfather who was an acrobat named Josef Hackl. His great grand uncle was a professional juggler named Ferry Mader who is credited with the invention of the trick of stacking candles with holders on the head.​
Making children smile by teaching them how to juggle is what we do. Our team of jugglers do this in their spare time and free of charge. We focus on underprivileged children in development countries and refugee camps. Juggling can be fun but also very useful to make children grow. By learning them how to juggle they can enjoy themselves, have fun together. Besides the fun part, juggling will teach the children how to build up confidence, it can give them a better self esteem and teaches them about perseverance. The physical part of juggling can also help to develop the children’s brains and their locomotion. We supply them with a circus package consisting of various circus props, that they can use once we have left.
The other board members are Bo Suchy, ing. Stefan Fraikin, Freek Hulskotte and Gerrie Hackl-van den Akker. WeJuggle is ANBI Certified and receives no government funding.